Tu esti Placebo. Cum sa iti transformi mintea in maretie, facand-o sa conteze. Joe Dispenza Prin cartea Tu esti placebo, Joe Dispenza isi propune sa treaca dincolo de cunoasterea comuna si sa exploreze in profunzime, intr-un stil inteligibil si pe intelesul tuturor, stiinta din spatele schimbarilor produse in organism ca urmare a efectului placebo. Cu toate acestea, cartea evita sa poarte. Tu esti placebo - Este posibil sa te vindeci doar prin puterea gandului, fara medicamente sau interventii chirurgicale? Adevarul este ca se intampla mai des decat ti-ai imagina. In Tu esti placebo, dr. Joe Dispenza exploreaza istoria, stiinta si aplicatiile practice a. Cartea CD Tu esti placebo meditatia 1 - Joe Dispenza face parte din categoria Practic a librariei online Libris.ro si este scrisa de Joe Dispenza. Cartea a fost publicata in 2016 la editura ACT SI POLITON. Livrarea se face din stoc din depozitul de carte Libris in 24-48 ore, in zilele lucratoare.
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Presenting a comprehensive discussion of the biomechanics, assessment, diagnosis and management of injuries to the elbow ulnar collateral ligament (UCL), including video clips of selected surgical techniques, this is a thorough and practical text for any clinician seeing athletes with this increasingly common injury. The book is organized thematically, beginning with anatomy and biomechanics of the ligament. Diagnosis of these injuries follows, with chapters focusing on both physical exam tests and imaging studies. Chapters on both conservative treatment and surgical approaches form the heart of the text, including revision surgery and complications, and review the variety of techniques and expected outcomes. Additionally, individual chapters are devoted to the female and high school-aged athlete. Proper rehabilitation is essential and rounds out the text, including a unique focus on sports-specific rehabilitation. Written and edited by top clinicians in orthopedics and sports medicine, this book is an essential reference for diagnosing and treating injuries to the elbow UCL.